The population relevant situation report (PRSR) is an overview of information important for protecting the population against natural, technological and NBC incidents [nuclear (N), biological (B) and chemical (C) incidents]. The situation report provides various pieces of information on these areas, for example:
- Status of task forces of police, fire ambulance and technical services as well as the civil defence organisation and all cantonal management bodies of Switzerland (cantonal situation).
- Naturals hazard situation and possible warnings against natural dangers in Switzerland (incidents caused by weather, floods, forest fires, avalanches, earthquakes) and partially against natural dangers abroad (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.).
- Status and failure of important energy supply networks (electric power and gas grid), telecommunications and traffic (railway, motorways, air traffic).
- Status of critical infrastructure (e.g. nuclear power plants).
- Depending on the incident, additional information such as data on chemical and biological substances, radiation levels, etc.
- Recording the medical service situation and providing targeted support for the healthcare system in the event of an incident for more information about the Coordinated Medical Services (CMS), visit the website of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP).
NEOC maintains a partner network which provides a variety of information. The centre immediately passes on urgent reports to its partner organisations, such as natural hazard warnings or reports on network failures, actively gathers and concentrates further information to form a national situation picture.
In adaption to the particular situation, the partner network is selectively extended with organisations that are able to provide specific and relevant information.
The population relevant situation report is presented with regularly updated maps, reviews and reports and is available to the partner organisations.