
A number of laboratories are involved in measuring radioactivity in environmental samples, animal feed and foodstuffs on behalf of the sampling and measurement organisation. These include specialist laboratories, cantonal laboratories and the Armed Forces’ NBC laboratory. The results are transmitted to and analysed by the NEOC, which then compiles radiation maps and continually monitors the effectiveness of any measures prescribed.

Specialist laboratories

The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the FOPH’s Environmental Radioactivity Section (URA), the Institute for Applied Radiophysics (CHUV), Spiez Laboratory and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Research (Eawag) are all designated as specialist laboratories. These laboratories have the capability to prepare and analyse special samples. In the event of a radiological incident, their work focuses on taking measurements from environmental samples and animal feed.

Cantonal laboratories

To ensure sufficient capacity for measuring contamination in food in the event of increased radioactivity and to comply with quality standards, certain cantonal laboratories with the necessary experience and infrastructure have been designated as intercantonal competence centres for measuring radioactivity in food. Specifically, these are the cantonal laboratories of Aarau, Bern, Basel-Stadt, Graubünden, Lucerne, Ticino and Zurich. Each canton is responsible for taking samples from food in its own canton. Sampling is carried out in accordance with guidelines based on the NEOC’s food framework plans and the food inspection plans and directives of the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO). The NEOC decides which food samples (primary production) are allocated to which intercantonal competence centre for analysis. The analysis results are sent to the NEOC and the FOPH.